
What do they offer the customer ?

Goodread wants to help people find and share books they love.

Listy can use the app to review a book, share a favorite passage, post photos, have conversations about books

libib the best system for cataloging your media available online.



Our competition for our book review app are Goodreads, litsy, libib are good reading apps but ours might be better .

Next step forward

We are going to find a way to make our app not look like yelp and find what ages people can use our app. We need to find a way for people to be able to find our app and use it to help other people to find the right food to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Blog 5

This blog is about what my team as done this class period. We choose to do a food review app instead of a dog training app because we thought it wasn’t the right chose for us.

Blog 4

Our group chose to switch our idea from a cleaning app to a dog train app where you can learn how to walk, train, bathe your own dog.

Group rules

In a business you have to communicate with the other works and the outside world by making a blog post. To make sure that your workers our working you have to look at their blog post to see if they are working. You also have to be honest but nice and respect the other workers. Always respect the ideas that the other worker have to contribute to the business.

Dog waling service

The first step is that the Dog owner downloads the mobile app. The second step is to find the best person to walk their dog will they do chores. The third thing is to accept the right walker and pay them online. the Last thing is to give the walker the dog will you go out shopping .

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